Original paintings & sculptures

Klitsch Peter

Vienna *1934

  • /artists/klitsch-peter/der-leuchtturm/
  • /artists/klitsch-peter/kleine-dachlandschaft/
  • /artists/klitsch-peter/das-leuchtfeuer/
  • /artists/klitsch-peter/segel/
  • /artists/klitsch-peter/der-gockel/
  • /artists/klitsch-peter/grado/

The surrealist Viennese artist Peter Klitsch studied from 1951 at the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna and at the Royal University in Stockholm (1954).

His first exhibition took place in Salzburg in 1959. In 1967 he visited Indonesia and spent some time on the island of Bali. Fascinated by Balinese art and culture, he processed the impressions in Vienna. He made his first trip to Japan, where he is now a visiting professor at the University of Okinawa.

On the occasion of his 50th birthday the Albertina dedicated an exhibition to his graphic work to him.